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Brainville Live In The UK c/w Euterpe Studio Rehearsal Tapes

Brainville Live In The UK c/w Euterpe Studio Rehearsal Tapes

About this release

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Soft Machine and Gong founder Daevid Allen released a range of albums as very limited editions on the OBSCURA label to cover material he had collected over the years.

These recordings have been unavailable and hard to find for almost over 10 years, and are now presented in a series of two disc sets with new artwork.

‘The Rehearsal Tapes’ come from the sessions from the Gong reunion that took place back in 1977, and is essential for completists and die hard Gong fans.

‘BRAINVILLE – Live in the UK’ features Hugh Hopper and Pip Pyle, this live show was originally recorded in 1988 and was supposedly a one off gig featuring this trio.


Disc 1:
1. Goddess in Vocation 
2. Magick Brother, 
3. Tea Shop, Friend, 
4. I Am the Rapist, 
5. Mystic Sister in Vocation, 
6. Wee Bit More, 
7. Prostitute Poem, 
8. Five and Twenty School Girls, 
9. Banana Moon Reggae, 
10. Deya Goddess.

Disc 2:
1. Fohat 
2. Who’s Afraid 
3. Flowers Gone 
4. Shadow 
5. Thinking Thoughts 
6. Hope for Happiness 
7. Bullshit and Be


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