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Brainville - Live In NYC '98

Brainville - Live In NYC '98

About this release

Brainville is collaboration between Shimmy Disk founder Kramer and three of the legends of Canterbury Rock. Gong founder Daevid Allen, Soft Machine bassist Hugh Hopper, and Pip Pyle who drummed for Gong, Hatfield and The North, and National Health.

Despite three of the musicians having made their name through the psychedelic and progressive rock era, the band’s music has a contemporary sound. Described by the band as “a steaming mulch of each other’s tune heads, from which there was much leaping into spice”.

This live recording from 1998 in New York City is a document of BRAINVILLE at that time. Included on the album is a ten minute version of The Soft Machine classic ‘Hope for Happiness’.  

1. Brainvilla 
2. Who’s Afraid 
3. Hours Gone 
4. Hope For Happiness 
5. Bullshit & Be 
6. Memories


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