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Fools Gold

Fools Gold

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American country rock quartet FOOLS GOLD were originally the backing band for DAN FOGELBERG and made this one album for Arista Records in 1976.  Half the album was produced by GLYN JOHNS (Rolling Stones) and the other half by GLENN FREY (The Eagles)

Playing on this long lost country rock classic are JOE WALSH, GLEN FREY, and DON FELDER and has a distinct California/Eagles sound.

Guitarist Tom Kelly would go on to enjoy success as a songwriter co writing with Billy Steinberg hits for the likes of Madonna, The Bangles, The Pretenders and Whitney Houston.  The remaining members of the band still play and perform to this day.

A gem of the California Sound which still sounds fresh some forty years on.

TRACKS ;Coming Out of Hiding, Rain Oh Rain, Choices,Rollin,  Fields And Meadows, Sailing To Monterey, I Will Run Old Tennessee, One By One, The Way Love Grows, Love Me Through And Through


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